CYBERPOSH is an online training program handcrafted for sensitizing your workforce to cyber harassment and enhancing employee awareness in accordance with workplace harassment policy and procedures in India.

CYBERPOSH is an online training program handcrafted for sensitizing your workforce to cyber harassment and enhancing employee awareness in accordance with workplace harassment policy and procedures in India.

Increased cyber harassment incidents
Easy access to colleagues through the use of multiple devices and methods of e-communication
Lack of awareness of what constitutes as workplace harassment
Unawareness of basic safety measures and how to file a complain
Increased cyber harassment incidents
Easy access to colleagues through the use of multiple devices and methods of e-communication
Lack of awareness of what constitutes as workplace harassment
Unawareness of basic safety measures and how to file a complain
Awareness of POSH Act Types of online Sexual Harassment
How to stay safe online Watch out for predators DOs and DON'Ts
Putting on an e-shield Grievance redressal  Raising compliant

This program is targeted at all employees of medium and large scale organizations to be actively attended by all as a  mandate

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Take the first step to show your organization's commitment towards a harassment-free workplace

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