361 – Communication
-Presentation Skills
Quick Look


To build ‘communication and presentation’ skills in the participants

Who will benefit from this program

Managers / Executives / Individual Contributors

Program Goals

• To understand three essential elements of communication

• To find out your communication / presentation skills now

• To become aware of presentation elements that work / do not work

• To learn tips and techniques for building communication skills and presentation skills

• To practice a lot of communication and presentation

What will 361DM do

• Create context questionnaires and conduct interviews with executives over two days for gathering the organization context

• Apply the organization context into the program design

• Implementing the 5-­‐6 week long P3 process

• Developing learning aids such as exercise material and props for the live learning sessions

Learning Process

Pre-session work: 20 minutes a day (online) for 3 days, including answering a pre-program questionnaire

Instructor led session: 2 days in-­‐class, offsite
Day 1 -­‐ Knowledge sessions including psychometrics
Day 2 -­‐ Communication / Presentation gym (learners will undergo drills)

Follow through: Working on feedback for 4 weeks

Instructor led session: 1 day in-­‐class, offsiteCommunication / Presentation gym (learners will undergo drills)

Follow through: Working on feedback for 4 weeks

Closure: 15 minutes online for answering a post-­‐program Questionnaire; 45 minutes online one-on-one

Batch Size

15 to 20 participants per batch.

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